By Verónica Ortiz, Babels-Belgium


This list could be endless. That’s why I tried to include less-known organizations and acronyms. I hope that the Babelian (4 different languages) style of the list will not be very confusing. Feel free to complete it.


AIAWU : All India Agricultural Workers Union.

AIDC: Alternative Information and Development Centre.

AIDWA: All India Democratic Womens’ Association.

AIFTU : All India Federation of Trade Unions.

AIPSW : All India Progressive Women’s Association.

AITUC: All India Trade Union Congress.

AKSHARA Foundation: The mission of Akshara Foundation is to ensure Universal Primary Education for every child below eleven years of age in Bangalore through a three-pronged effort that involves the corporate sector, individual volunteers and the government. Akshara believes that education is a fundamental right that directly impacts quality of life. There is a direct correlation between a higher standard of education and social development. If we help one child, we impact a future family. Akshara Foundation started in 2000 in the slums of Bangalore. To date, Akshara has touched the lives of over 60,000 children in and around the city of Bangalore. However, there are at least as many we still need to reach out to.

ALAI : Agencia Latinoamericana de Información.

ALCA: Acuerdo de LibreCambio de las Américas.

ASC: La Alianza Social Continental (ASC) es un foro de organizaciones y movimientos sociales progresistas de las Américas, creado para intercambiar información, definir estrategias y promover acciones conjuntas, todo ello encaminado a la búsqueda de un modelo de desarrollo alternativo y democrático, que beneficie a nuestros pueblos. La ASC es un espacio abierto a las organizaciones y movimientos interesados en cambiar las políticas de integración a nivel hemisférico y en promover la justicia social en las Américas.
La iniciativa para crear la ASC surgió del foro de la sociedad civil realizado en mayo de 1997 en Belo Horizonte, Brasil, de forma paralela a una reunión de ministros de comercio del hemisferio, efectuada a su vez en el marco de las negociaciones del Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA). La propuesta de impulsar la construcción de la ASC fue aprobada por los participantes en la Cumbre de los Pueblos de las Américas, realizada en Santiago de Chile en abril de 1998.

ATTAC : Association for the taxation of financial transactions for the aid of citizens.

BATU: Brotherhood of Asian Trade Unionists.

CADTM: Comité pour l’annulation de la dette du Tiers Monde. See

CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity.

Christian Aid: Founded 50 years ago in 1953, Christian Aid is generally considered to be the first missionary agency to support and promote indigenous mission groups. It has been the catalyst behind the present reformation in foreign missions methodology. Over the years, Christian Aid has provided more than $50 million in assistance to more than 700 evangelistic ministries based in 122 "mission field" countries overseas. These boards deploy a combined total of 90,000 missionaries serving in the most unevangelized nations of the world.  See

CIDSE: Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la solidarité. See

CLAT: Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores. See




CMT (WCL en inglés): Movimiento sindical que agrupa a 40 organizaciones de trabajdores autónomas y democráticas en 115 países con sede en Bruselas (Bélgica) y que cuenta aproximadamente con 26 millones de miembros. Sus organizaciones regionales son la BATU en Asia, la CLAT en Lationamérica y la ODSTA en Africa.

Council of Canadians: Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada’s pre-eminent citizens’ watchdog organization comprised of over 100,000 members  and more than 70 chapters across the country. See

CRID : Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement. See

Cry of the Water: Non profit volunteer coral reef monitoring group. See

EHNE : Euskal Herriko Nekazarien Elkartasuna es una organización profesional agraria, un sindicato agrario, nacido y legalizado en los años 76-77. Actualmente es la suma de 4 sindicatos provinciales federales: EHNE de Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa y Nafarroa, y UAGA de Alava. Hasta 1981 no se legalizarón los primeros estatutos comunes de EHNE que incorporarón solo a Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa y Alava. Posteriormente en 1986 nació EHNE Nafarroa y se incorporó al resto. En 1990 se dio el primer salto cualitativo con el I congreso que recogia una estructura sindical agraria. Posteriormente se celebrarón el II Congreso (año 1992) y el III congreso (año 1997). En el año 1992 EHNE se incorpora formalmente a la COAG a nivel estatal y la CPE a nivel europeo. Ver

ENDA-tm, Environnement et Développement du Tiers Monde: Fondée en 1972 à Dakar comme programme conjoint du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement, de l'Institut Africain de Développement Economique et de Planification et de l'Organisation Suédoise pour le Développement International, s'est constituée le 27 juin 1978 comme organisation internationale à caractère associatif et à but non lucratif.

EURALAT: Coordinación de entidades la sociedad civil y gobiernos locales de Europa y de América Latina. El objetivo de Euralat es la creación de un espacio euro-lationamericano de diálogo. Véase

FEMNET: The African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) was set up in 1988 to share information, experiences, ideas and strategies among African women's non-governmental organisations (NGOs) through communications, networking, training and advocacy so as to advance women's development, equality and other women's human rights in Africa.

Focus on the Global South: Focus aims to consciously and consistently articulate the local community-base and national, regional and global paradigms of change. Focus strives to create a distinct link between development at the grassroots and the “macro” levels. See

Foundation for a Sustainable Society, INC.: non-stock, non-profit corporation whose primary purpose is to contribute, encourage, assist, and provide technical and managerial support to non-government organizations (NGOs), people's organizations (POs), cooperatives and similar private organizations in sustainable production. FSSI was born out of the massive campaign to reduce the Philippines' bilateral debt to Switzerland.

Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC): Organisation created in 1988 at the height of the debt crisis to change the debt policies of the Philippine government and to join the international campaign to cancel the debt of developing countries.

FTAA: Free Trade of the Americas Agreement. (ZLEA en FR y ALCA en español).

IAAI: Independent Association of Afghan Intellectuals.





IBASE: Nossa missão é construir a democracia, combatendo desigualdades e estimulando a participação cidadã. Por isso, apoiamos e integramos iniciativas voltadas para a defesa e a promoção dos direitos humanos. O Ibase se define como produtor de significados e interpretações. Como uma instituição de pensamento social voltado para a ação político-cultural, de comunicação e animação do debate público e de pressão sobre os poderes públicos constituídos. Veja

ICFTU (CIOSL en español): International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.

ILGA: International Lesbian and Gay Association.

IMARD: International Movement against all forms of discrimination and racism. IMADR is an international non-profit, non-governmental human rights organization devoted to eliminating all forms of discrimination around the world, forging international solidarity among discriminated minorities and advancing the international regime of human rights. Founded in 1988 by one of Japan's largest minorities, the Burakumin, IMADR has grown to be a global network of concerned citizens and minority groups with regional committees in  Asia, North America, Latin America and Europe. See

IPTD (International People’s Tribunal Debt). The IPTD with the first 3 sessions held February 1-2, 2002, in Porto Alegre as part of the second WSF and concluding session held April 18, at the First Congregational Church, Washington DC, USA, highlighted and built on the experiences of local and regional ethical or peoples’s tribunals, deepened the understanding on the illegitimate nature of external debt domination and contributed to the launching of a new global campaign. See

JS: Jubilee South or Jubileo Sur. See

LGBT South-South Dialogue : The LGBT South-South Dialogue is an international space where lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people/organizations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean participate. It has the purpose of generating analysis and proposals to counter multiple forms of discrimination that affect LGBT people from the South in the context of globalization. Launched at the 20th International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) World Conference.

LOKAYAN: Meaning literally Dialogue of the people, Lokayan started in 1980 as a forum ofr interaction between activists and concerned intellectuals through meetings and worshops. Suresh Sharma, Harsh Sethi, Smitu Kothari and Vijay Pratap were conveners of Lokayan at different points in time. As of 1996 Professor Imtiaz Ahmed was the organisation’s chairperson. See

MAG campaign: Millenium Development Goals.

MIND: Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament. See Achin Vanaik.

NAFTA: North America Free Trade Agreement. (Aléna en FR y TLCAN en español).

NBA: Narmada Bachao Andolan. A people' movement started in 1985 with ideals of justice, equality and democracy, employing non-violent tactics like sit-ins, fasts, rallies and marches under the leadership of Medha Patkar.

NCDHR: National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights.

OCLAE: Organización Continental Lationamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes.

ODSTA: Organisation démocratique syndicales des travailleurs africains.

PARTIZANS: People against Rio Tinto and subsidiaries.

PGA : People’s Global Action. In February 1998, movements from all the continents met in Geneva to launch a worldwide coordination of resistances to the global market, a new alliance of struggle and mutual support called PGA.

RAWA: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. RAWA is the oldest political and social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women’s rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan. See

RFSTE: Research Foundation for Science, Technology and ecology. See V. Shiva.

SACP : South African Communist Party.

SAP (IMF): Structural Adjustment Policies.

SEARICE : Works for the creation of a just and democratic civil society that upholds people initiatives towards the creative and sustainable utilization of the earth's resources. The organization is an outcome of consultations and exchanges among development workers in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand who decided to help each other's grassroots work in their respective areas. SEARICE has been engaged in work with farmers, indigenous peoples, workers and urban poor with concerns such as appropriate technology, community health, land issues and other people-centered development work since its establishment in 1977. See and Elenita Daño.

SECC: Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee.

Social Watch : International NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty erradication and gender equality.

Sweetwater Alliance: Sweetwater Alliance was created in 2002 as a fusion between ecological restoration and art and as a vehicle to creatively restore aquatic habitats. Currently, their major emphasis is to fund, design and build a Living Water Garden on Duluth’s Lake
Superior waterfront.

TakingITGlobal: See

TNI: Trans national Institute. Worldwide fellowship of committed scholar activists. See

TRIMS : Trade-related Investment Measures.

TRIPS : Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights.

Ubuntu: World Forum of Civil Society networks. See

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: A Coalition for Comprehensive Democracy is an initiative to bring together people and associations from various ideologies and streams to engage in dialogue on issues of various dimensions of democracy. Such dimensions include politics, ecology, gender, social justice, economy and culture. The roots of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is in South Asia, where the concept (meaning the world is a family) has been part of the culture for thousands of years. Recently in India and Finland Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam associations have been formed.

Via Campesina: Via Campesina is an international movement which coordinates peasant organizations of small and middle-scale producers, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. It is an autonomous, pluralistic movement, independent from all political, economic, or other denomination. It is integrated by national and regional organizations whose autonomy is respected. Via Campesina is organized in eight regions as follows: Europe, Northeast and Southeast Asia, South Asia, North America, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America and Africa.

WCL : World Confederation of Labour.

WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions.

WICEJ: Women’s International Coalition for Economic Justice. See




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